Family LawLegal News and EventsReal Estate

Investors Are Counting On You Renting A Single Family Home

Lately we have been seeing a huge trend towards and interest in investing in single family homes as rentals with large companies like Blackstone Group partnering with companies like Dallas-based Riverstone Residential Group and Tempe-based Treehouse Group to form a new company, called Invitation Homes, to manage its single-family rental business. We have noticed articles about this popping up everywhere and in real estate timing, timing, timing is maybe less mentioned, but just as important as location, location, location. That being said, is this trend here to stay and, if so, for how long? Only time can tell. 

For more information on these trends see:

Rental Market’s Big Buyers

REIT Feels At Home In Single Family Rent Market

Single Family Homes As Rentals

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